
Optimal positioning and linkage of MAMBO tools to KCBD and RI landscape

10 January 2024

In alignment with the EU Biodiversity Strategy and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (Target 20), the MAMBO project is set to deliver state-of-the-art, interoperable tools for species and habitat monitoring. To seamlessly integrate these tools into the Research Infrastructures (RIs) landscape and the Knowledge Centre on Biodiversity (KCBD), MAMBO has adopted a two-step approach.

Initially, detailed information on RIs involved in biodiversity monitoring was gathered by MAMBO partners. Following this, interviews were conducted with representatives from these RIs to determine the relevance of the six MAMBO tools, requirements for interoperability, and commonly used data standards.

From May to October 2023, the Naturalis Biodiversity Center carried out expert interviews with 23 representatives from 66 identified RIs and organizations. These interviews aimed to identify which MAMBO tools are most useful for each RI, the necessary conditions for seamless data exchange, and the prevalent data standards in biodiversity monitoring.

The six MAMBO tools under development are:

  1. Image recognition software for species listed in the Habitats Directive.
  2. Sound recognition software for birds, bats, marine mammals, crickets, and grasshoppers.
  3. Cameras for monitoring nocturnal insects.
  4. Cameras for monitoring pollinators.
  5. Habitat extent mapping tools.
  6. Tools for deriving habitat status metrics from airborne LiDAR and drone data.

The study revealed that all six tools are considered valuable by RIs and organizations, with image and sound recognition tools highlighted as particularly crucial. 

These efforts ensure that MAMBO tools will be accessible and useful beyond the project's lifespan, significantly contributing to the future of biodiversity monitoring.