Advancements in technology have evolved to an extent where it is now possible to identify organisms remotely from digital data such as images or sound. In particular, new tools in the realm of high spatial resolution remote sensing have the potential to greatly enrich traditional approaches of ecological monitoring.
The status of biodiversity in Europe is generally below standard and many targets are not being met. This is why MAMBO’s work programme aims to provide the knowledge, tools and infrastructure for monitoring wildlife and their habitats more comprehensively. The project will develop novel monitoring tools that will enhance knowledge of the state of biodiversity in Europe. Through its demonstration sites, MAMBO will showcase the effectiveness and added value of its new technologies.
Automating biodiversity monitoring is a more cost-efficient and rapid process that allows for upscaling. MAMBO has the potential to dramatically improve the ecological monitoring landscape in Europe and beyond and in that way, contribute to the aims of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030.
WP1 User needs
and co-development (UREAD)
WP1 will focus on key users and stakeholders, who will benefit from the tools and technologies being developed in MAMBO, and engage with them from project inception through to completion to ensure that user needs, and co-development form a core part of this project.
WP2Data providers and IT infrastructures (Naturalis)
WP2 will assure MAMBO builds on available Research Infrastructures (RI) and data sources relevant for EU biodiversity and that MAMBO tools will be accessible beyond the life-span of the project.
WP3Ground-based recording and monitoring tools (Naturalis)
WP3 focuses on the development of AI tools for rapid, cost-efficient, and reliable species detection and monitoring to improve the coverage and accuracy of remote biodiversity monitoring.
WP4Remote sensing for habitat assessment (UKCEH)
WP4 aims to develop consistent and standardised habitat condition metrics using state of the art drone imagery or airborne LiDAR and integrating the data into a deep learning framework.
WP5Equipment and demonstration on sites and in targeted regions (CIRAD)
WP5 trials and evaluates MAMBO’s tools (developed in WP3 and WP4) in the field and within stakeholder networks and user platforms (identified in WP1) in the seven demonstration sites of the project.
WP6Synergies, gap-filling, and optimisation in a European context (UFZ)
WP6 will integrate and synchronise biodiversity monitoring approaches and data in order to address geographic, taxonomic, or methodological gaps.
WP7Science-policy interface and dissemination (UFZ)
WP7 provides a distinct visual project identity and is tasked with the ongoing promotion, dissemination, and communication of the developments and outputs of MAMBO.
WP8Project management and administration (AU)
WP8 maintains a professional and efficient coordination of legal, ethical, financial, and administrative management of the MAMBO Project. WP8 will also ensure integration of research activities and results, while managing risk factors and contingencies.
WP9 Ethics requirements (AU)
WP9 sets out the ethics requirements the project will adhere to.